About Icy and Dicey
Meet Icy and Dicey, twin brothers in the Icicle family and along with their cousins Rink, Freezer, Nippy, Parky, Chilly, Artic and Glacier embark on many different adventures from their abode on the window ledge of Marge and her daughter Flora. Daredevil female cousins Nippy and Parky challenge Dicey to the battle of the bravest as they bid to find who can climb the highest and hang from the tallest building, whilst Icy is not so keen on heights and prefers to stay closer to ground. Dicey enjoys travelling on a train, as there is a railway station close by although Dicey isn't particularly impressed with the journey, but it's the ice cream in the kitchen buffet that takes his fancy. Icy is a stick in the mud with heights and trains and hates both, but then after a drama and a crisis with a sink hole, has Icy suddenly changed his mind? The story is filled with plenty of fun, laughter, frolics and family unity with a close knit community endearment of putting the family first and looking after each others interests with an unselfish and committed attitude. It's a story that brings out the best in all the Icicle cousins, amid the banter, fun and facetious behaviour.
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