About Introduction to Christian Liturgy
Worship is most meaningful and engaging, according to Frank Senn, when it is done, as Paul says, "decently and in good order." This means that good liturgy must strive to avoid makeshift arrangements and disorder. But it must also be attuned to its context, sensitive to the needs and resources of local communities of faith. How does one do that? Designed as a general introduction to Christian liturgy, this book explores the meaning, history, and practice of worship in Eastern and Western, Catholic and Protestant traditions. Its chapters cover the theology of worship, the historical development of Eucharist and the Prayer Offices, the lectionary and customs of the church year, other sacramental rites, and the use of music and the arts. As such, it is a perfect textbook for students seeking to understand the basics of liturgical worship, as well as a reliable guide for worship leaders. Written in the form of a handbook and designed with questions and answers for easy reference, Introduction to Christian Worship will help both novice and experienced worship leaders make informed decisions in their liturgical choices and practices.
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