About Jesus Christ Lives Today!
This readable and delightful book tells the story of Jesus - his birth, his calling as the Son of God, his time of preparation for his God-given task in the remote isolation of the Essenes, his ministry, his healing powers, his conflict with the Jewish leaders of the day, his betrayal and crucifixion, and finally of his glorious resurrection from the dead and ascent into Heaven to sit on the right-hand of God.
It is a true story of actual events that changed the world for every one of us - of a real man, Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Christ, the Messiah, who brought us the glad tidings of the Gospel, and who still lives today!
The Author
Barbara Fleming was born in Croydon in 1924. She graduated at University College, London, in 1944. Retired from teaching, raising a family, and boarding dogs for over 40 years, she is now a writer of fascinating and enlightening studies of the Bible.
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