About Just Throw the Dart
The purpose of this book is to reach out to people and offer them something from the often long and heavy experience of psychotherapy that they can use immediately in relation with their spiritual self and with others. I want the reader to be able to apply metaphors that clarify and define different ways of looking at their lives. Whether it is psychological or spiritual is up to the reader. I hope that you are able to understand your life from an entirely different perspective than what you are perhaps used to. You can decide. This is how I think most of the time.""Nike shoes had a successful commercial several years ago about accomplishing goals. An announcer said, ''Just do it!'' Over the last thirty-five years of counseling, time and again I have told clients, ''Just do it!'' Richard has created a beautiful book with the same theme. Don''t be afraid if you miss or hit the target, just throw the dart. I love his simple theme for eleven chapters. We don''t throw a dart because we don''t love ourselves, hence we are afraid. I love how in each chapter he writes so simply with metaphors. We are to love ourselves, be kind to ourselves, and believe in ourselves before we will have the courage to challenge life. So, if you are struggling with a ''dart'' in your life and desire to throw it, read this short, insightful book. Then, ''just throw the dart!''""--Glenn Goree, author of Where Egos Dare (Resource, 2017)RICHARD AMISS, DMin, RPT-S, LPC-S, is the Program Coordinator for Clinical Education at The Ecumenical Center for Education, Counseling, and Health. As of this writing, he has been a clinician for more than twenty-one years. He lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife.
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