About Kingdom Progression
If I were to ask you, "What is the Kingdom of God?" What would your answer be? If I had to guess, I would imagine it would revolve around His heavenly domain that exists outside of the natural realm. To a degree, this is not wrong. However, to another degree, it falls short of the fulfillment of His Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is not some far-off, distant realm that exists beyond our reach. Jesus made it plain by revealing that His Kingdom is within us (see Luke 17:21). The Kingdom of God is right here, right now, but what do we do with that information? Everyone who would seek to enter His Kingdom must understand how they do so. But the Kingdom manifestation in our lives far extends merely entering therein, rather, He has called us to operate in His Kingdom and for His Kingdom. The aim of what is written here is twofold: one, to act as a roadmap to those who are new to the journey, to lay out the path to Kingdom progression; two, to aid those already on the journey, to help them grow in understanding regarding the various aspects of His Kingdom. Therefore, this work was written to be read in two ways: one, progressively from beginning to end, each chapter building upon the previous one; two, as a reference, focusing on an individual chapter as is needed for that moment.
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