About Lift Your Family Out of Chaos
Wendy Myers knows what it takes to organize your home. She runs a real estate empire, a sprawling portfolio of 400 units with $2.5 million in yearly revenue but has struggled in the past with organizing her own family members. Over the past several years, she has read all the research and come up with proven plans to help you tame the chaos of your household. This book will totally transform how you think about working with your family members to organize your home. Most organizational books are written by people who fall into one of two categories: professional organizing expert or former slob-turned-internet sensation organizing expert. The books written by these two different camps target the poor soul who is drowning in mess and need their expertise. But let's face it, the people who are drowning in chaos don't have the time nor the inclination to read a book about how to organize the junk drawer or the spice cabinet. So, these books end up getting read by the most organized family member who is seeking order for the home. That person does not need to be talked into organization and he or she certainly does not need all the tips, tricks, and checklists. The people who need the information are the friends, coworkers and family members who annoy the organized person with messy and disorganized lives. However, the collectors, hoarders and procrastinators are never going to seek out this information; they have more fun things to do. Instead of trying to reach the organizationally lost souls, this book aims to help the organized one who is just trying to tamp down the chaos he or she sees all around-the same person who tries endlessly to organize the lives of those they live with. In this book, Wendy Keenan Myers, an accomplished real estate investor and CEO of Ask the Landlady, outlines a gentle perspective on how to gain buy-in from the family when tackling the monumental goal of streamlining your house organization and creating systems of time management and efficiency that even your most ADHD family members can follow. In this book, you will find help in the following areas: Discovering personality traitsDealing with hoarders and collectorsDealing with ADHD, defiance and procrastinationGetting started with organizationGetting everyone to buy-in to organizationDeveloping specific organizational plans (9 strategies)Creating and maintaining schedules (13 strategies)Selling the stuff in your homeDealing with difficult organizational situationsStaying on track with organization
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