About Living Generously / Giving Generously
It's not just giving generously - it's living generously. That is the theme of this book, and I believe it's the invitation we receive from the Lord in the New Testament.
I am proposing a holistic discipleship education emphasis which places financial giving within the context of what the Lord expects of those who seek to be faithful disciples of the Lord. The six steps are not steps toward earning one's salvation, but rather six steps toward a generous life in response to salvation already received from Christ.
It is NOT simply an annual financial campaign for the local church.
The focus is not on the church's needs, but rather upon each individual's need to respond generously to the saving Grace of Jesus Christ - with their hearts and with their hands
It is my prayer that this book will help you to lead your congregation to become deeply devoted disciples of Jesus.
The basic content of this book was first prepared for the Stewardship Summit of the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. I appreciate their invitation to lead their biennial stewardship summit.
In preparation for that summit, I required the participants to read Clif Christopher's book, God vs Money. In recognition of that, in the last chapter I refer to that source and quote Clif Christopher about a dozen times. Clif's book, God vs Money, is an excellent resource, and I encourage you to purchase it at Cokesbury.com or Amazon.com.
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