About Lost Under the Lion's Shadow
LOST UNDER THE LION'S SHADOW tells the adventure of two wounded persons thrown together in the face of the dark underbelly of organized crime and relentless terror, as they rediscover who they were created to be. "Lost" is a murder mystery, a travel adventure, a treasure hunt, a love romance, and the story of finding true faith held up against the darkness of true evil. DAVID RAY is the founding pastor of the River of Life Church in Abilene, Texas. He has served in pastoral ministry for 35 years in the West Texas region. He completed his B.S. degree from Asbury University, his M.Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary, and his D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary. He enjoys golf, fishing and backpacking. One day he plans to fish the Patagonia region of Argentina. He and his wife Kay have two grown children and three grandchildren. Dr. Ray has also written an illustrated children's book titled "I Was Three," that tells the story of his daughter-in-law's near death experience and the marvelous visions she encountered while awaiting her healing. For additional information about either book visit our web page at Iwas3.wordpress.com.
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