About Love your Haters
This unique Anthology is one of the most life-changing books designed to enlighten others by sharing the importance of self-love and forgiveness that has been created. Most people do not love their haters and simply reciprocate hate with hate.
LOVE YOUr haters was designed to help people realize that learning forgiveness towards them is a gift to yourself. Through the transformational process of learning how to forgive, you can release the negativity that is keeping you from living your best life.
This first volume of LOVE YOUr haters is filled with heartfelt stories from 25 different Authors sharing their stories of pain and triumph. Each story offers words of inspiration and healing.
All the Contributing Authors have shared personal stories of how replacing hate with forgiveness and self-love has transformed their lives.
Along the journey, life can get so overwhelming we can lose our identity in the process of putting other peoples' needs above our own. By practicing self-love and self-care we can become better versions of ourselves and create healthy relationships with others.
Solutions can be found throughout these pages. This book will be resourceful in many ways and serve as a positive attribute for your personal development journey. You will learn to love yourself completely and trust in the process that love always wins.
Kimberly Anderson
Angeline Benjamin
Dr. Barbara Berg
Elizabeth Mejia Celis
Angela Covany
Verlaine Crawford
Virginia Earl
Nicole Fournier Farrell
Belinda Foster
Stephanie The Shopologist
Raven Hilden
Melissa Kahn
Dr. Cherilyn Lee
Jeannette LeHoullier
Mayra Lewis
Debbie Love
Susie Mierzwik
Dr. Robbie Motter
Lori Raupe
Lisa Ray
Kelly D. Smith
Charmaine Summers
Dr. Nephetina Serrano
Joan Wakeland
Violet Williams
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