About Macom Farm
Macom Farm, in the Township of Prank, a hideaway hamlet in Connecticut-is as beautiful as it is sinister, as tranquil as Gettysburg's killing fields before the battle cries. Prank has complicated social maladies, underlying secrets, and remarkable attributes as a developer's dreamland, seen by Sullivan Development as a singularly unique opportunity to build a magnificent city structure. Conquering the obstacles devolves into a daunting contest no developer in history has been confronted with before.
Jason Lang recently graduated and newly hired at Sullivan, is appointed project manager in charge of exploring the viability of Prank-a seemingly benign career start that instead becomes his baptismal journey into chaos and mayhem. In due course, Jason teams up with Andrea Cole; a stunningly beautiful social analyst hired to evaluate the impact of such a project on the Prank population. Andrea and Jason find common ground and begin an intensely intimate and gripping relationship that endures many twists and ugly hardships.
If developers were to descend on Prank and disturb its anthills, the peaceful calm of rural living would be forever disturbed. But worse, a thriving local operation would be severely threatened, and that cannot be allowed to happen.
Macom Farm begins the chronicle as an intense standoff between the developer, the townsfolk, and an unknown force with evil ambitions-a mixture of clever parry-and-thrust, legal maneuvering, cyber warfare, flawed law, brutal murders, and perverse strategies.
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