About Maths All Around You: Measurements
Maths is all around you, it can be seen everywhere in nature and in the human-made world. In Measurements, discover why we use the metric system, how to measure area, volume and speed and temperature, and why the number 60 is so important for measuring time. Simple artworks illustrate each concept to help visual learners get to grips with mathematical concepts and to encourage children to open their minds to how maths plays an important part of the buildings we live in, the games we play and the ways we live our lives.This series is designed for readers aged 7 to complement the content of traditional maths textbooks. Readers are also encouraged to have a go at some simple maths exercises, putting into practice what they have learned. Written in consultation with a specialist former maths publisher.The six titles in this series are:FractionsMeasurementsNumbersShapesStatisticsSumsSums
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