About Murder in The Bayou
The purpose of this book is not to point fingers at any one particular person as the real killer. Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley have all been tried and convicted for the murders of Michael Moore, Christopher Byers, and Stevie Branch. But many questions have arisen over the years about the killer's true identity. So, we are going to take a closer look at the evidence and "the lack of" against the West Memphis Three. And we will take a closer look at a few other people that have been labeled as suspects by the world of social media. Our purpose is to share the information of the case and weigh it against the statements and alibis of the people that have been mentioned online as alternative suspects. The information that we are putting out here is from The West Memphis Police reports and notes, the court documents from the trials of Damien, Jason, and Jessie. And the trial documents from the 2009 case of Terry Hobbs against Natalie Maines of The Chicks formerly known as The Dixie Chicks. We will take the physical evidence and put it up against the many statements made in police reports and court cases to see what fits the crime.
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