About Narcissist in a Man and How I Handled Mental Health
The summary for me, writing this book is to learn that brutal name calling and not having the fear put in my head. That is what this individual has been trying to do with mind games and head games. The hard part for anyone to try and write a book on abuse is fully knowing you have the strength and courage to accept what was done and know none of this was the woman's fault. The only thing I can be very open about is never hide who you are as person. Never let that type of man make you feel that you can't ever accomplish the dreams you are set out to do. The person I am won't ever be the same again. And I do know this after the abuse with all the mind games, the lies, and the holding everything over my head. The way it was and the truth to all of this is yes, I do know the past ex-relationship, it did happen to me. Everything he put me through and done. His job, social life, and friends, I can honestly say I really guess I never knew a true brutal mean. He has every one of his friends wrapped his finger, a narcissist man. My whole purpose for writing this book is not only for me, but to open people's eyes and realize any kind of abuse is never ok. It doesn't matter what kind it is. Don't let drugs become your power and abuse to a woman. He never cared.
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