About New Day!
What does it mean when a new day has come? It means every single day brings a brand new opportunity for you to live your life to the fullest. And this is why you need to be thankful for every single day of your life! You mustn't let bullying and meanness take you away from that. You mustn't let anyone tarnish the goodness that is inside of you, right there in your heart! And this is why you turn the other cheek.
Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'learn to read book' is filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme, all of which will help you develop your reading skills. The fun Dyan characters are an added treat, and you can copy them or create your own characters and make a book of your very own that is all about your very own thoughts and feelings. An added bonus is that this book has some new reading vocabulary words. (You can look for the words 'optimistic', 'absolutely' and 'positive' and add them to your reading word list!)
When you are all finished reading, you can go straight to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel; and you can watch the free, fun music video that goes along with this book!
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