About Orange Juice and Cod Liver Oil
In my childhood the sun always shone, my mum
was always tender and transported me in a seat on
the back of a bicycle. She knitted me clothes and a
bathing suit, took me to the beach, and gave me the
childhood she had never had. Dad was solid and
reliable. He took me fishing and, later, bought me
a rabbiting dog. He had an expression that he
repeated periodically in reflective moments, "If
you are going to be poor, be poor in a nice place."
Orange Juice &
Cod Liver Oil
This is the story in three parts of an ordinary but resourceful family, told
against a backdrop of the social and political events of the 20th century.
Orange Juice and Cod Liver Oil recalls the wars and turmoil of the first half of the
century and chronicles the lives of a returning Tommy and his family surviving on
temporary jobs and living in makeshift accommodation, including a mobile morgue.
You will share Peter Morley's poor, but idyllic childhood in the New Forest, and see
how early lessons on the social order were drawn from teenage years passed as
poacher, apprentice, motorcyclist and rower.
Nourished by the Welfare State, the author eventually obtained enough education to
have a successful career in an international company, with travel that provided
opportunities to observe social conditions and attitudes of people around the globe.
This delightful book will make you laugh and cry as it takes you through a century
that saw more change and social evolution than any previous time. Orange Juice
and Cod Liver Oil will appeal not only to those who remember the "Baby Boomer"
years, but to business travellers and the current "digital" generation who have no
experience of life without "technology" and entertainment on a plate.
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