About Organising solutions for people with ADHD
The new organising strategies in Organising Solutions for People with ADHD and ADD will be helpful for anyone who wants to improve their organizational abilities.
In addition, this book includes strategies for organising the most recent technologies, remaining environmentally friendly, and recycling with ease.
Over 13 million Americans suffer from either ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or ADD attention deficit disorder, which affects about 4.4% of adults. ADD is not even known to four out of every five adults.
Practical organising strategies for people living with ADHD and ADD are presented in the chapters, which are categorised according to the room or task at hand:
At work: document organisation, time management, and setting priorities.
At home: scheduling and attending to appointments, decluttering your home, and paying your bills on time
Having kids: organizing drawers and closets, driving them to various activities, grocery shopping and meal preparation, laundry, and babysitting.
Also, you: organising time for your social life, gym, and other hobbies and activities. There are relatable and important details throughout, as well as information backed by research about adults with ADD that provide numerous organisational tips, such as the significance of dividing time into minutes or moments, task completion, how to avoid procrastination, and asking for assistance.
This simple, easy-to-use, and sympathetic guide to organisation will help you organize your life.
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