About Origins and Development of the Two Aeons Concept
The present research project explores the origins and development of the doctrine of the two aeons. There are two general lines of investigation, namely in the prophetic and Apocalyptic eschatology on one hand, and in the New Testament on the other hand, against the background of the first century Rabbinical Judaism.
First, the concept of the two aeons is clearly present in the prophetic and Apocalyptic eschatology. Both prophets and Apocalyptists viewed the newness of the new age and its blessings and the corruption of the present age. The Apocalyptists developed the concept of the two aeons extending its scope on God's work in the new age from nationalistic to universalistic.
Second, the first century Rabbis preserve the three dimensions of the two aeons and point to a clear overlapping place between them. Jesus, the Gospel writers, and Paul present their eschatology within the already existing framework of the two aeons. They also introduce some purely new characteristics of the concept related to the death and the resurrection of Christ. They view the inauguration of the future aeon in the present aeon through the event of Christ. The future aspect and the aeon to come is also plainly preserved. Therefore the 21st century man can enter the future age and become a part of the future humanity and world through faith in Christ.
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