About Politically Incorrect Children's Stories
Industrial-strength stories treat children and adults as equals. And told it as it is. No pussy-footing, moral science or sugar coating. Spades are spades! No quarter given, none taken. No mythical characters beggaring belief and science. Just brute logic and empirical evidence. Two kids, Bila & Kabun; a dog - Mr. Morkley and a story-mongering PICS Dad explore the world around them. Meant to be bedtime stories, they mostly left the teller and the listeners sleepless. Praise for Politically Incorrect Children's Stories OUTSTANDING.....an outstanding book, it should be made to stand outside the house. Every parent should read it, I haven't.L.M., Ram's mother TOP BESTSELLER. 2,013,896 copies of this book should definitely sell. Or elseMr. Mustanda, Credit Card Loans Collection Agency UNBELIEVABLE. Absolutely UNBELIEVABLE. He actually wrote something readable.JJ, Ram's English Teacher DIRECT and INDIRECT will apply at the same time...Taxation department
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