This book deals with most commonly occurred voltage disturbances namely voltage sags and voltage swells and in order to mitigate these frequently occurred serious power quality problems emerging Custom Power Device (CPDs) such as Impedance source Inverter Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), Distributed Static Synchronous Compensator (DSTATCOM) and Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) are considered. Voltage sag and swell magnitude, phase-angle jump and duration are considered as the most important characteristics of voltage sag and swell. The presentation of voltage sag and swell characterization is an important because power quality, troubleshooting, diagnosis and mitigation policy could be carried out only after characterizing the voltage sags and swells. This book describes the 33/0.4 kV power system to show the various characteristics of voltage sags and swells. This book presents a broad voltage sag and swell characterization (VSC) in terms of magnitude, phase-angle jump and duration under system fault (symmetrical and asymmetrical), starting of induction motor, sudden switching a linear and nonlinear load using MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.
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