About Project-Based Learning for Teachers of World History
Each project in this book contains pacing guides and detailed rubrics designed to guide learners through the process and evaluate their performance (according to Common Core and National standards). All of these projects, regardless of the objectives, essential questions, or standards they address, are devised to help turn the public servant's service into something that can genuinely inspire learners to develop critical thinking abilities. Most of all, these projects are designed to be challenging but fun, which helps to inspire deep learning. The projects are: Project 1: "Marking History, Making History" - page 4Project 2: "Family History Story Corps" - page 6Project 3: "Human History in Pictures" - page 8Project 4: "Functions of Religion in Human Civilizations" - page 13Project 5: "The Evolution of Housing" - page 19Project 6: "Protest Music Project" - page 25Project 7: "Why So Viral?" - page 33Project 8: "The Birth of Punk: A Caustic Reaction to Reactionaries" - page 39Project 9: "The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall" - page 49Project 10: "Factory Farming: Exploitation and the Environment" - page 54Project 11: "The Sound of Climate Change? Activism!" - page 60Project 12: "Develop a Future-Ready Sustainability Plan" - page 68
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