About Question-Based Bible Study Guide -- Union with Christ: Good Questions Have Groups Talking
7 ready-to-use, discussion-based Bible lessons on the topic: Union With Christ.Why discussion? Consider this verse: Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:15-16 (NIV)First, Paul says we grow by speaking. This is surprising to me. I would have expected this verse to say, "Hearing the truth, we will grow..." That is not what he says. Paul says we grow by speaking the truth in love.We are changed more by what we say than by what we hear. Hearing is important. "Faith comes by hearing..." (Romans 10.17) But hearing is not as important as speaking. Jesus said it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles us. (Matthew 15.18) James taught that the words we speak are like the rudder of a ship. I think if he were speaking today, he would say that the words we speak are like the steering wheel of our lives.People who speak words of gratitude develop grateful hearts. People who speak words of love become more loving. People who grumble and complain become grumpier and more negative. We are changed more by what we say than by what we hear.These lessons will save you time as well as provide deep insights from some of the great writers and thinkers from today and generations past. I also include quotes from the same commentaries that your pastor uses in sermon preparation. Ultimately, the goal is to create conversations that change lives.
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