About Reflections!
The past is more than the past, because the past combines with the present and the future to make up the total of our lives. In other words, we are merely the sum total of all of the parts of our lives that make up the whole; and while this may sound confusing, it is more than likely the reason your mother tells you that what you do, both good and bad, are a reflection on her. You see, she has taught you things that make up who you are . . . and so has your father and all of the other adults in your life whom you happen to love and trust!
Written and illustrated by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book is filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme you can use to practice your reading skills and to think about this very important subject as you build your reading word vocabulary and are guided through its pages by some fun and familiar Penelope Dyan characters!
When you are all finished, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel; and you can watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun! After all, everyone knows learning should always be fun!
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