About #RelationshipGoals
Based on Philippians 4:8 #RelationshipGoals Purity is Possible provides real purity success stories! How-to save sex for marriage tips gleaned from each story are followed by skill-building devotionals and activities which will equip tweens, teens, and young adults to have God honoring and satisfying relationships.
The personal accounts provide the details that make waiting and dating possible. Also perfect for parents, youth pastors, or group leaders this entertaining, practical, inspirational book empowers readers to live out God's design for relationships.
Learn how to live pure from:
• Tim Tebow
• Duck Dynasty's Jase and Missy Robertson
• Heisman Trophy Winner Collin Klein
• Dancing With The Star's Chelsie Hightower
• Recording Artist Jamie Grace
• NFL great Prince Amukamara
• Regular middle school, high school, and college kids like you,
• and more!
For adults... We expect kids to stay pure, but don't teach them how to live in today's world with so many pressures to have sex! This book does that, not through teaching, preaching or scare tactics, but through engaging stories, practical tips, and application activities!
For youths... Whether you are still a virgin or a renewed virgin, get ready to be inspired and develop a doable plan for living and loving God's way, even in today's tough society. #RelationshipGoals Purity is Possible will provide the support you need to navigate your way through growing up, growing in God, and growing healthy relationships and future marriages. Realize how cool it is to wait!
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