About Sociological implications of teenagers sexuality a sociological study
All Individuals have particular psychological characteristics or traits, which
influence their behavior, in the form of specific skills and aptitudes. Human
beings are social animals and their culture, religion, environment, education,
bringing up and genetics affect their social lives.
However, while biological, physical, environmental and psychological influences
on human life are clearly important, for sociologist they are not sole significant
bases for understanding human lives. Other complex elements are involved in
shaping human behavior. Social structure and environment characterized by
regularity - in which individuals develop from childhood into teenagers, into
adulthood and through into old age. Everyone which lives in societies that
embrace a deeply held commitment to philosophies and ideas of "Individualism",
with a strong emphasize on human being as unique individuals each with their
own specific quality, idiosyncrasies and responsible for their own actions, and
with success, happiness and fulfillment defined in terms of individual
achievement. In modern Indian society philosophy of individualism and their
beliefs is that every one is free to choose the government, their employers and
their religions.
Gender roles and important of ethnic groups membership also has an impact on
individual's social life. Sociologists have emphasized for many years while men
and women differ biologically from each other in a number of respects, many of
the differences in behavior patterns between them, both within and across
different societies, are "social constructions". - That is, they are the outcome of
social expectations, which have been built up around them and modified over
decades and centuries. The predominant responsibility for child rearing and
domestic task is still expected to lie with women, and there is still greater social
license extended to both teenagers and adult males in expressing their sexuality
than there are to their females peers.
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