About Spiritual Leadership in The Pattern of David
David was anything but perfect-lustful as a husband, weak as a father, and partial as a leader-yet he is the only one in all Scripture to be called "a man after God's own heart".
What was it in David that attracted God this much?
After the historic victory with Goliath, the life of this humble shepherd boy seemingly took a downward turn. In all the series of unfortunate circumstances, God was at work, rerouting his life. Starting with a group of riff-raff, this cave dweller became the leader of an exceptional army because God wanted him to become a maverick king:In battle, he modeled invincibility.
In decisions, he sought God's mind for clarity, wisdom, and equity.
In loneliness, he wrote with transparent vulnerability and quiet trust.
In friendship, he was loyal to the end.
In statesmanship, he portrayed integrity and humility.
What an outstanding man! But what is it that distinguished David as one of God's greatest men?
Come along with professor Z.T. Fomum in this down-to-earth book on Spiritual Leadership, for an in-depth study on the making of this poet, musician, courageous warrior, and shepherd of God's people-a man of passion and destiny with a God-dependent life of strength and leadership worth emulating.
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