About Sri Chinmoy
A selection of books by Sri Chinmoy relating significant incidents of his own life. This includes two early poetry books and several books recalling fond memories of family members, such as My Father Shashi Kumar Ghosh: Affection-life, Compassion-Heart, Illumination-Mind, My Brother Chitta and To the Streaming Tears of my Mother's Heart and to the Brimming Smiles of my Mother's Soul. These sweet, illumining and inspiring anecdotes from Sri Chinmoy's early life give a unique insight into the life of a spiritual Master.
Full list of book titles
The Mother of the Golden All
A service-flame and a service-sun
My Father Shashi Kumar Ghosh: Affection-life, Compassion-Heart, Illumination-Mind
My Father's wish
To the Streaming Tears of my Mother's Heart and to the Brimming Smiles of my Mother's Soul
My brother Chitta
Compassion-affection versus deception-destruction
My Consulate years
Mridu-Di: my first and foremost mother of affection (Mridu Bhashini Devi)
Rani-di, I do know where you live
How Nolini-da wanted me to be his secretary
My cycling experiences
My Dilip-da-adoration
Amrita: the fount of nectar-delight
Ten divine secrets
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