About Taleemul Haq: The guidance of Personal Life according to the Islam
The greatest gift that Allah Ta'ala blesses any person with is undoubtedly the gift of Imaan. Any person blessed with Imaan, has to take care and look after his Imaan very carefully until eventually he is blessed with death on Imaan.In order to live and die on Imaan, we have to obey all the commands of Allah Ta'ala. Every day of our lives we engage in acts of Ibaadah (worship) like Salaah, Saum (fasting), Zakaat, Haj, etc. If we fulfill these actions correctly and properly we will be rewarded tremendously by Allah Ta'ala. But if we are ignorant of the laws of Allah, we may end up doing our Ibaadah (worship) incorrectly.May Allah reward the four great Imaams of Fiqh who made it so easy for us by explaining the laws of Islam so that we can easily and correctly follow the teachings of Rasulullah [PBUH].Following topic is in this book, Part One The Masjid Nafl Salaah Ma'zoor Salaah of a Sick Person Death Ghusal Kafan Masaa'il Janaazah Salaah Burial Inheritance Part Two Nikaah Waleemah Talaaq (Divorce ) IddatVirtues of Earning Halaal Harms of earning Haraam Good Business ConductRibaa (Interest) Working for Someone (Labour)
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