About Terence in Townsville
After Terence's excitement in Africa, I thought it was time to bring him home to Townsville. There are heaps of action, silliness, and humorous events in Terence in Townsville.
If Terence didn't ride his bike into a thorn bush, he fell off his bike and landed on his head on a cement bridge. Then there was the day when confusion broke out on the farm - and another day when Terence had heaps of fun with a relief teacher called Mr. Pink Longneck, who was standing in for their regular teacher Mrs. Tender Turkeybottom.
Terence also had an embarrassing moment at a national church conference. And don't forget about the big 'Footy' evening in Townsville, where the action turned into a near-disaster!
Talk about 'near-disasters' - the last chapter is called 'Christmas Turkey' for a reason!
Who needs to travel overseas if there is so much action in your own backyard?
The question remains:
Who will be served as the dinner meal for the farmer and his wife during the Christmas of 2022?
Enjoy the NON-STOP action, silliness, and fun in Terence's own backyard!
Enjoy the FUN SHEET after every chapter with life lessons, farm facts, quizzes, and Bible scriptures!
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