About The Bible Is Broken...Down
Many people would like to read the Bible, but shy away from it for many reasons, one being their fear of its complexity. Even though the Bible can seem daunting to some, The Bible Is Broken was written to help the timid and doubtful move past the humdrum, difficult text that often torments new Bible readers, so that they too may embrace the divine wisdom that lies within the scriptures?
The Bible is Broken ... Down, a version of the King James Bible, is shared for the inquisitive soul who has a deep desire to understand the Word of God. Whether looking for solace or just to examine its council and instructions or observe its warnings and predictions, this guide breaks the Bible down for spiritual seekers in a way that makes the text more compelling. While guiding readers through each verse, this presentation keeps intact its original manuscript, content, and context as it veers away from the idea that one should read the Bible cover-to-cover and instead focuses on helping the curious gain a greater understanding of its meaning and insight.
The Bible is Broken ... Down is a spiritual guide that breaks down the Bible in a way that makes it easy to understand and less daunting for those seeking comfort and peace from within its pages.
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