About The Book of Lesser Voices
Andrews sat alone in the crack-house staring at the wall like a shotgun stopped in time. He was watching it slowly work backwards from wall to lumber to tree. Or was that just the heroin talking? The book still rested under his arm but it called to him almost as clearly as the golden brown. 'Open me, ' it wanted. Pulling him into the need of the thing. 'Open me Andrews.' It called to him, calling him up and out of the heroin high. 'Open.' With fresh tears spilling down his cheeks and a trembling hand, he pulled the book towards him once again.Pauly Hart's short novella: "The Book of Lesser Voices" is like nothing you've ever read before. Equal parts thrilling and horrifying it takes you to a place inside your dreams that even your mind is afraid of. Designed as a puzzle-box, the story bends the rules and breaks the mold. "The Book of Lesser Voices" appeared in his first short story collection: "Sometimes I Write Tiny Stories" and this is the first time it has appeared by itself. Pauly has written over 1,500 poems, 50 short stories and a full length novel: "By the Gates of the Garden of Eden" which are all available on Amazon.com.
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