About The Call of Modernity and Islam
The Call Of Modernity And Islam is a timely and welcome anthology of ten scholarly essays that focus creatively on the urgent need to re-energize Islamic culture and institutions. The essays span an enormous disciplinary range. Professor Khwaja moves back and forth with consummate ease between religion, science, philosophy, history, and the social sciences to paint a fully integrated, big picture of the encounter between Islam and modernity. In this work he applies the intellectual insights of authentic Islamic liberalism to the urgent task of developing the robust institutions and cultural norms that will enable Muslims to survive, compete, and thrive in today's milieu. The result is a nuanced and insightful examination of many perplexing questions. The Author proposes a sensible intellectual framework that shows how the much sought after renaissance of the Islamic world can be achieved. His courage to make a new beginning is rooted in deeply held beliefs about the merciful guidance of God, the absolute veracity of the Quran and the authenticity of His messenger Muhammad. At once scholarly and wise, this book will have a transformative impact on both the lay reader and the specialist. It will appeal greatly to all Muslims who desire to see their faith renewed from within.
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