About The Christ in You.
This days many people that are condemning the salvation
of Christ has joined one cult or the other and performing
rituals with human sacrifices. They are committing
serious atrocities. They do not care of the innocent
bloods they are shedding rather they have kept to be evil
notwithstanding. Christ is the end of the laws that there
will be righteousness for all that will come to God through
Christ. Being the end of the laws the moment you are
redeemed by the blood of Christ Jesus you are taken away
from the covenant of the laws of the Ten Commandments
into the covenant of the laws of salvation by grace
through faith in the blood of Christ Jesus. If you are in
Christ you have become a new creature. The old has
passed away and the new has come. To be in Christ you
must be ready to eat the body and flesh of Christ Jesus
the right Holy Communion ways. That is when Christ will
be proud to present you to the father as a chaste virgins.
Jesus said those who are proud of me in the world I will
be proud of them before my father in haven but those
that are ashamed of me in the world I will also feel
ashamed of them before my father in the heaven. It is
written; you cannot be for us and be against us. Any
preacher that is preaching against the salvation of Christ
as a sin is against Jesus Christ. You are not getting it any better. water
baptism will be better done as adults not as little
children. When you have repented you will become
baptized so you will have haven as a focus. Devil will
always come to tempt you if there is a good plans of God
in your life .Many people are worshipping the devil today
because of making wealth because they don't want to
wait on Gods time .How many times had you told the
devil to get behind you when he emerges to tempt you
.Remember that what tempts you is the desires of your
heart .When you cannot control your emotional needs
, you will be prone to fall into temptations .When you
overcome a serious temptations, the angels of God will
come to appreciate you . Hunger and thirsting after
righteousness means that you are willing to do anything
possible to enter the kingdom of heaven .Many people
had denied themselves many things, so to have the
opportunity to enter into the kingdom of heaven .
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