About The Dark Call
In India, Swami Goananda is known as a healer. Irena, who lives in Wollongong, Australia, is also developing healing powers. Wanting to improve, she decides to visit the Swami.
But Goananda has a dark side. Through sex with his disciples, he steals their energy in order to prolong his own life. At first, Irena resists his glamour, but is eventually seduced by him. Aghast by what she has done, and certain that she is pregnant, she flees the ashram and returns home.
Irena has a daughter, Holly. But not wanting her to be brought up close to followers of the Goananda, Irena moves north. Over the years, her healing ability increases as she learns an earth-based magic. This, however, makes her more sensitive to the psychic call of the Swami. She soon realises that this dark call is actually intended to draw Holly, now an adult..
Irena realises there is only one way to save her daughter: return to India and confront the Swami. To give time for her earth-based magic to find roots in India, she takes an indirect route to the ashram. On her way, she also gathers local people who know the Swami is evil. Eventually, the two sides meet and engage in a ferocious psychic war.
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