About The Final Fortnight of Years
The Final Fortnight of Years: The Darkening is the third Book of the Romances of the Metaphysicals, and follows Christopher and Sophia, Maxim and Maria through the last seven years of time (the era of the Antichrist), along with their parents and their children. The latter, David and Magdalena, come into their own as characters during these years, becoming precociously romantic courtly lovers as well as world-famous performance artists. Christopher and Maxim continue their metaphysical and theological studies, which include Gregory Palamas on the uncreated Light, the metaphysics of the resurrection body, and the romantic theology of Charles Williams. Sophia directs a master's program at the Institute while Maria pursues her History of the Apocalyptic War (with parallels to the period 2017-2024). The four elders contribute a number of touches to the tale, including Sergei's comments on Russian and American Literature and two new icons by Manuela. The starship Synaxis and its angelic crew are deployed in two novel developments of aeviternal technology and, in conclusion, the End of Time is narrated succinctly, within the boundaries of biblical revelation.
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