About The Greatest Fake News of All Time
Congo's past is painted as a gallery of horrors! Looting of King Leopold, a precursor to Hitler and Stalin! Holocaust, hands cut off, whipping, red rubber, forced labour, etc. In fact, all these atrocities have been fueled by interested foreigners.>This book is the first volume of a thrilling trilogy that unfolds major, long-lasting, and disgraceful fake news (Vol 1), puts King Leopold on posthumous trial (Vol 2), and tells a comprehensive and dignified 135 years of the history of the Congo (Vol 3). Indeed, the truth about the past comes from Congolese living in the Congo. The author, Marcel Yabili, is a lawyer. He has been living and acting permanently in the Congo for 50 years. He shares his testimonies and observations in scientific, literary, and artistic works, articles and blogs, as well as in his family museum of collective memory.
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