About The High-Way of Truth
Following on from 'No Man-oeuvre' (2003), this project, with its punned title, takes a closer look at people's civilization as it bears upon the development of globalization, and distinguishes between national and international forms of 'people's ideology' in a way that seeks to demonstrate that even here a 'gender war' is in operation which pits not only Fascism against Communism and Socialism against Capitalism, but the female forms of Fascism and Socialism against their male counterparts and, conversely, the male forms of Capitalism and Communism against their female counterparts, with interesting implications for the future development of ideology, as bearing upon the most logically desirable outcome of such dialectical struggles in relation to the most universally credible form of globalization. As a corollary of this, one is left in no doubt that the people who count for most within the framework of globalization are more likely to be atheistically opposed to traditional or conventional religion than staunch believers in their deities and even in such flawed notions as the Second Coming, their own entitlement to godliness - and hence religion - being a matter of future judgement when they are able to come into their religious own in consequence of their willingness to take their global destiny to its universal conclusion. - A Centretruths editorial
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