About The KING has GRACED....Let's EAT!
We tend to ask the question: What would Jesus do?, but forget to focus on what Jesus ate spiritually to help him to fulfill what he did on earth. If we would eat what Jesus ate spiritually on a regular basis, we too would fulfill the purpose that God has called for us to fulfill on earth. So what did Jesus eat? He embodied and ate the word of God and by doing so, it allowed him to be totally obedient unto God, therefore, allowing him to accomplish what he was sent here on earth in this world to do. So, if we want to live out a purposeful/fulfilled and more abundant life on this earth in this world, according to God's plan for our lives, we too must embody and eat the word of God, being a hearer and a doer of it. My name is Wilsonja Graydon. I was born and raised in the state of Georgia in a small city called Albany. This special place is where I learned to cook from my mom and dad, developed my taste buds for good eats and where I was introduced to God by the upbringing of my parents. I was inspired to write this cookbook because my heart's desire is that not only our natural bellies be filled and full, but our hunger and thirst for God be fulfilled as well.
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