About The Komodo_Guide
Many will be where many can go,
Some will be where some can grow.
The no bulls**t book about achieving personal and professional goals, tackling relationships, emotional and risk management and living in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world we are in today.
It's time to flip the script and take back the control. This book is an account of various observations and lessons learned by the author through his experiences. He has used these experiences to write this book as a guide to build your own personal philosophy and re-ignite the curious fire inside you. Use this burning desire as the fuel to drive you to attain the objectives you have set out for yourself.
No more:
"I wish I did that"
"If only I did x and y I would be doing z now"
"Why me"
Start thinking:
"Why don't I try this"
"What if I do a and b and then move onto c"
"How much more can I learn"
"What if I do it like this and then do that, let's try it!!"
This books is a guide which helps you build your purpose, but to that you must:
To find your purpose, find yourself!
Be curious, work within or alongside the system, commit to your vision, be consistent, be resilient and versatile to adapt to the scenarios thrown your way, use your time wisely and be open minded to gain perspective.
Use this book to build the unique multivariate equation to your code...
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