About The Lay Evangelist's Handbook
Can you see yourself making converts?
Very few books have ever been written to teach the mechanics of practical Catholic evangelization. Of the books available, none teach you a step-by-step method for actually cultivating an inquirer, then taking that inquirer all the way to the baptismal font… until now.
Nobody is more qualified to teach Catholic evangelization than Joe Sixpack—The Every Catholic Guy. Joe Sixpack has made hundreds of converts since 1988 in small group and one-on-one venues, eighty-four of whom are his adult godchildren. Consequently, he is a virtual treasure trove of how-to-evangelize resources.
In this book, Joe Sixpack will show you…
How to become one of God’s rock stars of evangelizationWhat the two primary obligations are for all Catholics that most people don’t knowHow to begin the journey to becoming a saintHow to identify and acquire a good spiritual directorThe actual mechanics of productive evangelizationThe dangers of “nice Catholicism”How to hear God laughStep-by-step what to do to win over a convertMuch, much more!The Lay Evangelist's Handbook can show you everything you need to know about helping souls into the Catholic Church, while building a higher spot for yourself in heaven.
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