About The Memoirs Of Sapience
This book explicitly aims to change the way people think. The way conventional wisdom operates in our minds is tough to change. Conventional thoughts, are inherited to us by our ancestors, and it's usually embedded in our subconscious mind. My aim is not to eradicate those thoughts, which is impossible, but to replace them with better and more productive thoughts. Many of us spontaneously anticipate how our friends and family would perceive our actions, without even doing something in the first place. We are people of free will, yet chained by society's perceptions of us. We fail to create our own identity and rely on others to carve our character and accept whatever we are told. Everyone fails at some point in their life, whether it be your career, relationships, financial decisions or your image, but those who stand up again would be the ones who would create their destiny. I don't care whether you're dyslexic, black, or whether you have low IQ and EQ. I just want you to sincerely follow your passion despite of what everyone says. You need to step out of your comfort zone and question the choices you make. Change your intuitive beliefs, and question your need for instant gratification. There are two parts in this book, Love and Life, both of which are commonly associated with each other. Love is a tool that is a source of both motivation and demotivation, it depends on what your parents, friends, family and others perceive of your actions. Whereas, life is an equally complex phenomenon as well. It helps you to create new habits constantly that improve you personally, financially, and socially. The former helps you get started in the first place through unyielding support, whereas the latter helps you keep going on the projected trajectory. Love evolves like a sloth, whereas Life metamorphosizes instantaneously.>No task is a day's work, it would take you a decade if not years to accomplish, and comprehending this would be the toughest when your mind is programmed for instant gratification. Everything can be achieved in the long run, despite innumerable failures in the way. A quotation from Confucius might help, "When it is obvious that the goals can't be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps". Learning is a very tedious process, and even if you spend a century at it, still it won't be complete, but that shouldn't stop you from acquiring some of it. Seeing the dream is important, but living through the dream and carving your path is far more essential. Even if it means defying conventional norms and values, you should go for it. Society has evolved significantly in the past three decades and embracing change and being creative would help you go far. Reading this book would help you realize where you're headed, and each poem would help you develop a particularistic characteristic, in yourself which would help you either in 'Love' or 'Life'. Some poems are filled with melancholy whereas many others are in a jubilant mood. It would help you to shed some tears, while simultaneously helping you to head for the light and your ultimate destination.
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