About The Nagas/Serpent Race - The Asuric Neanderthalic Dravidian Shudras
The Nagas/Serpent race or reptilians are extraterrestrials transhumans who interbred with early human neanderthalic civilizations modulating them to great cultures giving them language, arts, architecture, gods &spirituality. The Neanderthals were speciated by archaeal symbiosis. Magnetotactic nanoarchaea are seen in the intergalactic magnetic field whose rotations create the planetary systems. The magnetotactic nanoarchaeal colonies form microbial civilization in other planetary systems &galaxies. The magnetite nanoarchaea have quantal perception and can travel the quantal world of the multiverse. They have a wave-particle existence. The civilizations in the outer planets &galaxies are microbial &nanoarchaeal quantal civilzations. The nanoarchaea reached the earth by quantal teleportation or meteoritic hits. They symbiosed with neanderthalic humans in a form of interbreeding creating the asuric neanderthalic Naga Dravidian reptilian race. Due to the presence of endosymbiotic nanoarchaeal colonies in the neanderthalic brain, the Neanderthals are capable of quantal perception &quantal travel. They have spiritual qualities &are intuitive. They represent an autistic creative tribe.
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