About The Roads of Ancient Cyprus
The treatise is a study of the Hellenistic and Roman road system in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Together with a number of minor works, the treatise has been written as a thesis at The University of Southern Denmark in December 2002, and has been accepted for the defence of the philosophical doctorate.
A traffic historical thesis is very rarely published in Denmark. The most recent theses were Alex Wittendorff’s Alvej og kongevej (1973) and Peer Ole Schovsbo’s Oldtidens vogne i Norden which were both written with a Nordic perspective. Within the last few years, Danish traffic historical research has widened its field to include the Mediterranean countries and thus articles on the Roman art of engineering and on caravan stations in the Levant have been included. The publication is lavishly illustrated with maps and photographs, and this invaluable documentation is an integrated part of the thesis.
Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen is attached to the Department of History at the University of Southern Denmark.
Forlagets emneord: Græsk-romersk oldtid - Historie - Kulturhistorie - Romerriget - Samfærdsel - Middelhavsområdet - Cypern - Klassisk oldtid - Engelsk
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