About The solution of legal antinomies in e-commerce consumer relations
The e-book aims to analyze the applicability of the Dialogue of Sources Theory in the solution of apparent legal antinomies in consumer relations developed in e-commerce through the digital environment. The legal system, after the crisis of post-modernity, provides for a plurality of legal norms applicable to the same concrete fact, so the guiding problem of the research focuses on the need to overcome this apparent conflict of normative sources. Along these lines, the aim is to study the possibility of resolving these conflicts by adopting the dialogue of sources, which advocates the simultaneous, harmonious and coordinated application of multiple legal sources, with the consequent overcoming of the three classic criteria for resolving antinomies (hierarchical, specific and chronological) which imply the exclusion or derogation of one law to the detriment of another. The topic chosen is justified insofar as, given the expansion and popularization of e-commerce, there is a need for the jurist to act in resolving conflicts arising from the conflict of normative sources present in the so-called "age of disorder".
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