About The Value of Work in the Eyes of God
Work has a bigger purpose for Christians than just earning money or meeting the temporal needs of people. There is a connection between what we do and what God wants done in the world. There is a misconception that Christians sometimes have that working in "full-time ministry" (as a pastor, missionary, or church worker, etc.) is the only way to make their work lives count in serving God. Yet, God uses us in different work roles to meet needs, acting as an extension of His provision for His creation. With this knowledge that our working lives are our ministry no matter what our vocation, readers can begin to look for opportunities to be used by God and receive a rejuvenation in purpose and calling.The Value of Work in the Eyes of God focuses on the theology of work and the connection between work and faith, discussing how the Lord uses our working lives as our ministry. The book covers a deep analysis of several areas: review of literature dealing with "theology of work," historical views and attitudes toward work, scriptural data related to work, and practical ways to incorporate faith with work. DOUGLAS E. WOOLLEY earned four university degrees in the areas of Computer Science and Theology. He currently works for JPMorgan Chase & Co. as a Software Engineer, after having worked for Verizon for many years as a Systems Engineer. Since early 2018, he serves as the International Secretary for the Full Gospel Business Men''s Fellowship International (FGBMFI). As a senior in high school, Doug placed among the top in the USA in mathematics, computer programming, and science. He is an international speaker, teacher, and author. Doug resides in Tampa, Florida, USA with his wife Marsha and poodle Napoleon.
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