About Turtle Hawks
Pericles (Peri) Pontakis, investigative journalist and host of the controversial TV show Under World, is fighting a losing battle against corruption in the upper échelons of Greek society. He has little to show for a life's committment to social justice, except a ruined marriage, two alienated children, a mountain of debt, and a multitude of powerful and dangerous enemies. Among his many admirers and acquaintances, his only true friends are Jack, his feisty cat, and the down-and-out journalist, Christos, to whom he lets the apartment below. When his life starts collapsing around him, he decides to change tack and make a documentary about the threatened Loggerhead turtle, in the hope that this 'undemanding' project will enable him to save not only the turtle but his own soul. However, the path to salvation is strewn with unforeseen obstacles, some of which prove not altogether unpleasant.
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