About Vascular Technology Examination PREP, Second Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.With 700+ questions and 300 illustrations, the go-to ARDMA study guide delivers the updated content and hands-on practice you need to ace the exam Fully updated with the latest terminology and concepts, Vascular Technology Examination PREP, Second Edition is the go-to learning tool for anyone taking ARDMS® Vascular Technology registry exam. Covering all aspects of vascular disease and testing, it combines vascular principles with high-yield review questions that boost your comprehension and retention. This unparalleled guide provides you with a thorough look at every vascular region, including cerebrovascular, venous, peripheral arterial, and abdominal/visceral. Full-color illustrations, tables, and sonographic images reinforce core concepts, and a dedicated chapter covers the latest perspectives in quality assurance, with detailed information on patient and practitioner safety guidelines.. UPDATED: questions, images, terminologies, and protocols
. NEW: Focus on new technologies, including IVUS, carotid stent criteria, renal stent criteria, vector flow imaging, Chromaflow, Angiojet, and ultrafast Doppler
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