About Vastarien, Vol. 1, Issue 2
VASTARIEN is a source of critical study and creative response to the corpus of Thomas Ligotti as well as associated authors and ideas. The journal includes nonfiction, literary horror fiction, poetry, artwork and non-classifiable hybrid pieces.
Joanna Parypinski
Patent for an Artificial Uterus
Max D. Stanton
The Crafter of the World
Ashley Dioses
Bequeathing the World to Insects
Christopher Mountenay
Julie Travis
The Master Gardener
Nicole Vasari
Parasitic Castration
Amelia Gorman
The November House
Charles Wilkinson
Lacan on Lynch: Viewing Twin Peaks through a Psychoanalytic Lens
Rob F. Martin
soul of a mannequin
Justyna Bendyk
Shirley Jackson and That Old Black Magic
Jill Hand
How to be a Horror Writer
Tim Waggoner
Cover Art by Yves Tourigny. Book design by Anna Trueman. Internal art by Giuseppe Balestra, Ksenia Korniewska, Serhiy Krykun, Carl Lavoie, and Øyvind Lauvdahl. Co-Editors-In-Chief, Matt Cardin and Jon Padgett. Senior Editor, Dagny Paul.
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