About Veterans Benefits Guide For Dummies
You've served your country, now let the country serve you
Veterans Benefits Guide For Dummies is your clear and concise guide to the benefits available to you from the VA and other government organizations. You have access to physical and mental healthcare, financial services, long-term planning, education, and much more. This book explains how to make sense of and take advantage of the extensive benefits program offered to veterans in the United States. You'll learn what you're eligible for, how to file applications and claims, and how to appeal decisions. This book covers the most recent benefits available, including vocational rehabilitation, life insurance, home loans, pensions, burial benefits, and survivors' benefits. With Dummies, you can navigate the paperwork to make sure you're getting everything that's available to you.
* Figure out the VA benefits system and learn what paperwork you need
* Discover the pros and cons of veterans' services versus civilian services
* Develop a smart financial plan with a good understanding of military pensions
* Find and secure benefits you may not have known about - for yourself and your family
Newly separated and seasoned veterans alike will love Veterans Benefits Guide For Dummies. We make it easy to get what's coming to you.
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