About Waiting for the Mountain to Move
Charles Handy's reflections on work and life have earned him legions of fans throughout the world. His previous books have together sold over a million copies. And his "Thought for the Day" series on BBC radio is celebrated throughout the U.K. Now Handy's fans in America-present and future-can sample what his BBC listeners have enjoyed for so long. Waiting for the Mountain to Move includes sixty-five of this gifted commentator's best essays, culled from ten years of radio broadcasts. Often scripted to fill the three-minute slots allotted those broadcasts, each essay is a brief but brilliant flash of wisdom and inspiration that illuminates and explores questions we all grapple with (or ought to) every working day. With titles including "Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal," "Trust and the Plumber," and "Learning from Misdoing," these writings wring poignant lessons from common occurrences and cause us to examine our lives, our institutions, and our society in a different and revealing light. The essays--sometimes sober, sometimes humorous--touch on a wide range of subjects, but Handy's pervasive goal is to help others find meaning and purpose in life by bringing their selves and their work, their "being and doing," closer together. Through these essays, it's easy to see why Charles Handy is often regarded as the most influential business author and social philosopher of our times.
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