About World's Funniest Jokes for Kids!
Do you like to laugh? Do you like making other people laugh? If you answered yes to both questions, then this is the book for you. Inside, you'll find over 250 of the world's funniest jokes for kids, each and every one personally tested by yours truly. Most of these jokes are ones you're never heard before. How do I know that? Because I made them up myself! Humor can Heal the World Did you know that it's impossible to be mad at someone with whom you've just shared a laugh? It's true. Humor is very healing. That's why if you want to make friends, telling jokes is a great way to start. People like to be around other people who make them laugh. One word of advice: never tell a joke that might hurt someone else's feelings. That's called insult humor and it's just plain dumb. The purpose of humor is to make people feel better, not worse. So never laugh at a person who falls down or does something stupid, and never laugh at a person who looks funny. They feel bad enough; your laughter will only make them feel worse. Even if you do it in a good-natured way, it can still hurt their feelings. With fictional characters it's different. There we can laugh at the pain of others, because we recognize ourselves in them and because we know they're not real. When Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown and he goes flying up in the air, we laugh because we ourselves have been fooled so many times. Are you ready for your first laugh? Fantastic! Turn the page and let's get started! A Note to Parents This book contains over 250 of the world's funniest jokes for kids age 8-12, or even younger if your child knows how to read and likes to laugh. Every joke in this book is kid-tested and guaranteed to produce a laugh or smile. I could have padded the book out with 800 more jokes, like everyone else does, but then you'd have a book with 250 funny jokes and 800 unfunny ones. And since you're the one who's going to be hearing most of these jokes, I just saved you a ton of grief. Aren't you happy? The World's Funniest Jokes for Kids They're all here, waiting to entertain you! Buy this book today and start laughing tomorrow! FREE BONUS CHAPTER: World's Funniest Limericks! I have a good friend named Zoey,
Who likes to play when it's snowy.
She'll play on her sled,
Until she's fed
A lunch of bread and baloney. I know a young boy named Kyle,
Who runs every day for awhile.
He runs so fast
No one can last
To run with him more than a mile. There's a girl in my class named Jane,
Whose smile is as big as her brain.
She's really quite smart
With such a big heart
I'd marry her if I wasn't insane. It's time for school I know.
I should be up, but I feel so low.
I've nothing to wear,
My hair is a scare,
So it's back to bed I go. There's a girl in my class I like.
The problem's her big brother, Spike.
He's big and he's mean,
The toughest I've seen,
He told me to go take a hike. Not one to be easily swayed,
I told Spike I wasn't afraid.
His face turned all red,
I thought I was dead.
But now he's a new friend I made. If you like jokes and limericks, you'll love this book!
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